Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Small Milkweed Bug

Small Milkweed Bug
Originally uploaded by Dr Photo Moto
Dad had an itch
Inside his skin.
Red bugs said mom but
How'd they get in?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dreaming Finches

Dreaming Finches at Day 4
Originally uploaded by Dr Photo Moto
A full stomach and one to lie on. Now where's the big one that covers me?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Taiwan Blue Magpie

Taiwan's Blue magpie
Is perched for all to see.
Royal emblem, as a tail,
Hangs magestically.

Wings to transport heavenward,
A chest just like the sky,
Beak of flaming sunlight,
Stars instead of eyes.

Our mortal sight is limited
To color shape and scheme,
Yet from God's creation,
His Beauty can be gleaned.


Photo by John&Fish - click on photo to go to their flickr website.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Originally uploaded by edgeplot

Halloween brings excitement
To all the moths in town.
They gather near the street lights
To show what they have on.


Photo by edgeplot - click on photo to see flickr web site.

Moth with Tail

Luna Moth
Originally uploaded by thahawk
Kim's Kite wouldn't soar.
It wouldn't take to the sky.
Kim found the answer drying on a tree nearby.


Photo by thahawk - click on photo to see flickr web site

The Brothers Grim

The Brothers Grim
Originally uploaded by Dr Photo Moto
Sure we'll be glad to sit with your sick husband.


Photo by MOTO - click on picture to see his flickr web site

Put Me Back!

Originally uploaded by Dr Photo Moto

Photo by MOTO - click on picture to see flickr web site

I got the Reds!

Originally uploaded by Dr Photo Moto

Photo by MOTO - click on picture to see his flickr web site

Ain't I Cute

I See You
Originally uploaded by Dr Photo Moto

Photo by MOTO - click on picture to see his flickr web site

Watching Out For Trouble

Watching Out For Trouble
Originally uploaded by Dr Photo Moto
What a guy!


Photo by MOTO - click on picture to see his flickr web site

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Two Women Found Reflecting in Bus

Mikey was a lineman.
Circles made him itch.
Ovals were defective.
Rhomboids were a bitch.

While shooting cars and busses,
He discovered a reflection.
He found two missing girls,
Who had escaped detection.

Mikey loves perspective.
Lines must be plum and true.
And now he's a detective,
If it has a point of view.


Photo by Mikey Ottawa - click on picture to see his flickr web site

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

j whit cam

j whit cam
Originally uploaded by PhOtOsLaVe
I knew a girl named Reese
Who played a funny trick
When I asked her to say cheese
She smiled and took my pic.


Photo by phOtOSLaVe - click on picture to see web site


Originally uploaded by Dr Photo Moto
He's got black wings and yellow feathers.
He's got tan legs and orange beak.
He's got a black hood on the top of his head.
He's batfinch, the crime fighting geek.

He'll watch your house all day long.
He'll peck at criminals and fight them.
Jehovas' Witnesses? ... he'll bite them.
He's batfinch, He's my hero!

Batfinch will watch your car when you nap
So other birds dont leave their cr ... oppings.
All he asks for in return is:
"Dont forget the bird seed when you go shopping!"


Photo by MOTO - click on picture to see his flickr web site

Canadian Bird Chorus

Sing To Me Horace
Originally uploaded by Dr Photo Moto
Every year at spingtime
The finches form a chorus
All the birds that like to sing
Gather in the forest.

The warblers sing suprano
The woodpeckers tap the drum
Those that have no talent
Flap their wings and hum.

Finches love to yodel
Its in their ancestry
This year they chose Horace
To lead the revelry.

Twas on the vernal equinox
When night-time equals day
That Horace led the chorus.
He sang yodel eh eh eh?


Photo by Dr Photo Moto - click on picture to see his flickr web site

Picky Picky

Picky Picky
Originally uploaded by Dr Photo Moto
Fidora Finch is picky.
You know her kind.
All she does is play with her food
Cause she can't make up her mind.

The mice are very happy
That Fidora is this way.
They fill up on the piles of seed
Fidora fritters away.


Photo by Photo Moto - click on picture to see his flickr web site

Monday, April 14, 2008

Trepadeira vermelha

Trepadeira vermelha4 060408
Originally uploaded by Neu2007
Flowering Leaf

Flowers are meant to be pretty,
But some aren't made that great.
In most stem supports flower,
But there's one that the leaf ate.


Photo by Neu2007 - click on picture to see his flickr web site

Man Makes Hybrid Fish

Because my kind are a new creation.
We lack Latin apellation.
Speaking Roman is for older chaps,
Like dinosaurs and such as that.

Darwin saw right though it.
The genes that were fit
were ones that saw you through it.
And new is how you do it.

We have a lump on our noggin
That shows we are wise.
Orange rings like irises
Decorate our eyes.

Pink scales and orange cheeks
Lure the pretty girls.
Crunchy teeth in silly head
Help us to get fed.

I can't say fish vobiscum,
Its not in my credo,
I say fish be with you
It's fish for hello.


Photo by Rundstedt B. Rovillo - click on picture to see his flickr web site

Anglican Rector

Looking into his heart for inspiration,
The taciturn rector beheld the face of God.

He leaned on his lecturn and smiled.


Photo by The Cathedral - Click on picture to see flickr web site.

A Branch Perspective

Austria 2007 Waterdrop
Originally uploaded by Soeradjoen
I started life as a branch,
Growing peacfully on a ranch.
Then comes some guy
With a machine on his eye.

He sprayed me with very cold water.
He said things like "Shoot" and "I aught'er"
Next I hear the sound of a shutter.
Oh the things that man did utter.

I guess he was pleased when he finished,
For the Cannon came off of his head.
Next I saw him run to his computer.
And into it a chip he fed.

Now he sits at his desk with no laments.
That picture has millions of compliments.
How says I can it be.
Grass does not grow from a tree.


Photo by Soeradjoen - click on picture to see his flickr web site

Butt on a knife edge

Butt on a knife edge
Originally uploaded by radio4
A fly named Rutilia Formosa,
Likes to ride on the edge of a leaf.
"Why not fly," you might just "supposa."
Answer: "Causa she's not supposed ta!"

She's well equipped to ride the mono-rail.
She's got legs galore and marvelous tail.
She's a fly alright but she's shy as a theif,
That horrible little leaf riding beast.

You'll see her buzzing through the canopy.
You'll spot her instantaneously.
Her exoskeleton is shocking green,
Festooned with orange grafitti.

Remember she's shy but do not fear,
You won't surpise the little dear.
She's got compound eyes,
And one in the rear!


Photo by radio4 - click on picture to see flickr web site

The Thousand Eye Stare

Though eager to meet Ms Chimera,
I didn't get past my gate.
I forgot to carry my camera,
That's why this buggo was late.

I think its wise to take care.
Thats why I carry a Cannon.
I photograph who what and where.
You never know what will happen.

I called my consort to be,
And said I'd be there by three.
"You'd better," said she,
"Dont be late."

I found her response unnerving.
Of good manners I felt deserving.
I needed a friend,
She needed a serving.

She called me to try to make up.
She said she was sorry and missed me.
She promised to be ever so nice,
And to prove it she'd kiss me.

When she opened the door I shot her.
The flash must have caused quite some glare,
For she never said "Boo," "Hi," or "Hey There!"
She just gave me that thousand eye stare.


Photo by Longint57 - click on picture to see flickr web site


Originally uploaded by EL CUMPA

My compound eyes are handy.

My proboscus is really a mouth

While some would call me Fly Face the Second

My sir-name is actually "House."


Photo by El Cumpa - click on photo to see his flickr web site

Nella's Reviso

Nel Pantheon
Originally uploaded by Lugh Ri

I knew a senorita named Nella,
Who liked the sun so swella.
So she cut a hole
In the Panthion's roof,
And cut the utility bella.


Photo by Lugh Ri - click on photo to see flickr web site

Bellisima Isabella

Vanessa io
Originally uploaded by lucianolibe47

A butterfly named Isabella ...
She could not see so swella ...
So she painted rings,
Upon her wings,
Now she thinks her eyes are wella.


Photo by Lucianolibe47 - click on photo to see his flickr web site

The Little Pass that Could

To the march comes Mickey Ottawa,
He's fretting but fit to protest.
Come coppers with cuffs and sheleighlas.
Now a press pass he'll gladly show ya.


Photo by Mikey G. Ottawa - click on photo to see his flickr web site

Ballerina Spider

Il ragno ballerino
Originally uploaded by lucianolibe47
A tiny spider named Lucy
Loved to dance a two step with Tootsie.
Tootsie died in a garden shower.
Now Lucy dances with flowers.


Photo by lucianolibe47 - click on picture to see his flickr web site


Yellow Rose
Originally uploaded by Janet Sipl
I see on close inspection,

That you shot a rose,

And captured perfection.


Photo by Janet Sipl - click on picture to see her flickr web site

Belle of the Ball

Field Trip White Orchid
Originally uploaded by Janet Sipl

To most she was an ordinary bloom,
A rather pale orchid was she.
White offset cheeks and a laryngeal nose
Covered by a jaunty cap with plume.

Just a plain flower on a brick wall.
Practically no one noticed her at all
Till came Janet with Gaussian Wand.
Now that bloom is the Belle of the Ball.


Photo by Janet Sipl - click on picture to see her flickr web site

Tubby Bubby

Poor little Bubby
Was just too chubby.
Those small wings couldn't make him fly.
All day long he sat on a branch,
and waved as his friends flew by.


Photo by John&Fish- click on picture to see flickr web site